Tantric Massage
To ensure mutual understanding and avoid misunderstandings, I have summarized the frequently asked questions from the Daya School, where I trained as a massage therapist.
It is important that we agree on this framework to prevent confusion.
Before the first massage session, we will have an interview where we will review this information, address any other questions you may have, and discuss your motivation. This session can take place via video call or in a café.
Is Tantra sexual?
Tantra is a mystical tradition that encompasses knowledge of all dimensions of the human being, not just the sexual aspect.
Why tantric massage?
One of the tools used in Tantra to enter a state of presence and expand consciousness is touch. Throughout all cultures and eras, massage has existed in some form—more or less therapeutic—but always essential. What differentiates tantric massage from other types of massage is the conscious movement and integration of sexual energy through massage in erogenous zones, which, without distinction, are just another part of the body. These zones generate a vast amount of energy that can be spread throughout the nervous system, bringing countless benefits to physical, emotional, and mental health.
Will I be naked? What about the massage therapist?
A tantric massage session includes genital massage, provided that the recipient gives verbal consent in the moment.
To receive a tantric massage, complete nudity is required. However, if you feel initial discomfort or shyness, a sarong can be used to cover certain areas, uncovering them as needed during the massage. The massage therapist has full freedom to decide whether to remain dressed, wear underwear, or be fully nude. For Tantrics, physical nudity represents the transparency of truth—no masks, no personas, just pure authenticity. Nevertheless, personal freedom is paramount, and each therapist chooses how to serve clients in the way that makes them most comfortable.
Is there any kind of sexual interaction with the tantric massage therapist?
No. Not in the way it has been understood and spread through erotic massages. First, we must define what we mean by sexual interaction and also by sexual. If by interaction, you mean “As a client, can I touch whatever I want, whenever I want, just because I want to?” the answer is a resounding NO.
I am a man—can I ejaculate? I am a woman—can I orgasm and ejaculate?
Tantric massage aims to go beyond orgasm and ejaculation. Not because these are wrong or necessarily deplete energy (although they do), but because they are the only outcomes most people know. There is a learned habit, an automatism: arousal, erection, masturbation or stimulation, tension, orgasm, and ejaculation. In this automatic pattern, you miss out on an infinite range of more subtle, sensitive, and pleasurable energetic sensations and experiences that you will not be able to perceive if you continue acting the same way.
With tantric massage, we aim to show that another reality is possible—that it is not necessary to orgasm or ejaculate to have a deeply fulfilling and satisfying intimate experience with yourself or another person. The journey itself can be enjoyed, and the goal (understood as an ejaculatory orgasm) is never the ultimate purpose of a sexual encounter.
To help establish clear boundaries, it is useful to know that the massage can be divided into different levels so that you feel safer.
These levels are:
- Body: Full-body massage using oil.
- Genitals: External massage of the genital area.
- Mapping: Identifying points in the genitals that hold sexual memories.
- Healing at the sacred point: Internal genital massage.
A level can be agreed upon before starting the session. In any case, progressing from one level to the next requires explicit verbal confirmation.
You can check prices and service limitations here.