October 26, 2021Technical details Interactive video sculpture. 1.1 m x 1.1 m x 60 cm. MRIs of feet and knees. Kidney ultrasounds. X-rays of the chest, jaw and teeth. From 2012 up to 2021. Videos in animated GIF format. JPG images. The piece consists of 6 RasperriPis. Five of them are model 3 with a 3.5″ screen and a transparent housing. These screens are located around the chest, coming out of a “spine”.
July 31, 2021Artificial Intelligence,
Cyber Spirituality,
Self Awareness,
Spirituality God is in the bugs Technical details 2021 NFT collection 2.501Ξ God is in the bugs: any real biological evolution is the consequence of an error in a DNA copy. Contrary to common understanding, evolution is not based on any intention of the being which is “more adapted to the environment”. It never wanted to be more adapted, there is no will, it just happened. It’s more adapted or has an advantage over others as a consequence of an error during its growth.
May 21, 2021Cybersecurity,
Found Photography,
Grey Networks,
Post Photography,
Art Book Technical details 2021 NFT collection 2.501Ξ Shared Folder (Red box) v'21 POI Finch: “You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know, because I built it… “ …maybe the government doesn’t need the machine… you are sharing your intimacy without even knowing and anyone can access it with a 35$ machine.
Back in 2015 I asked myself: what could found photography be like in the digital age?
April 17, 2021Technical details 2021 Selfie glitch video (mp4) NFT 2501Ξ Buy me a life! I’ll use my energy to create art, help other artists, walk my spiritual path and share my knowledge.
2501Ξ is a tribute to “Ghost in the Shell”. Project 2501 was born on the net, he(*) become alive as a pure digital being. The original authors of the code didn’t intend to give him a life but “…life finds a way”.
September 13, 2012Artificial Intelligence,
Computer Vision,
Creative Commons,
Face Detection,
Machine Learning,
Post Photography,
Software I dreamed about a human being How would a robot imagine a human face? “I dreamed about a human being” is like spying into a robot’s brain.
“I dreamed about a human being” is part of a project exploring the use of artificial intelligence as applied to photography by using online open source code and data. The project already has a database of 56 million images. We have freely accessible amazing tools and databases of gigantic images, but have not yet fully understood what we can do with them or what it means that they are there.