In January 2019, a group of digital artists met at Cultural Center Casa Planas. As a result, we created the first Digital & Electronic Art Festival Mallorca function(“innocence”, 2019), which became a reality for two days between May 24 and 25.
An incredible list of artists exhibited, performed, taught new media art, and showcased interactive artworks.
I’m especially grateful to Enric Socias, who truly was the soul of the festival.
Shared Folder. “Red box” was my official artwork. However, at the last moment, I produced a couple of unlisted ones: CODE and Susurros.
The full list of artists is: Abe Pazos, Albert Negredo, Alona Vinç, Antoni Socias, Blanca Alonso, Casper Gottlieb, Coll.eo, Colo Alzamora, Dasha Lina, Diego Álvarez, Elia Núñez Barez, Elías Fabré, Elías Merino, Enric Socias, Estela Sanchís, Farmer’s Manual, Fernando Velázquez, Fran Simó, Hernando Urrutia, Ignasi Bosch, Joan Jordi Oliver, Leo Sapere, Mar Reykjavi, Marina Planas, Mark Farid, Martí Guillem Ciscar, Mez Breeze, Mitos Colom, Moxus, P2P, Pedro Alves Da Veiga, Pedro Trotz, PI, Rohit Gupta, Ryan Cherewaty, Sandrine Deumier, Sarah Rasines, Stefan Riebel, Toni Mitjanit, TUUUN, Victor Moragues.