Art book
10,50 x 20,50 x 38cm
29 A4 80gm pages
57 13x18cm photographs
6 Folders
As part of my Artificial Intelligence research I made this contact sheets of the faces that the algorithm is finding. You can read more about my research here. You can also view the full contact sheets archive in contacts or flickr. The archive is updated every time the system find enough number of new faces.…
How would a robot imagine a human face? “I dreamed about a human being” is like spying into a robot’s brain. “I dreamed about a human being” is part of a project exploring the use of artificial intelligence as applied to photography by using online open source code and data. The project already has a…
Rainy Day as flickrGrama. This is a procjet i’m working flickrGramas. It’s a very early version, my first try. Next improvements are 1) use only cc drivates allowed 2) create by tags (a face formed by thousands of faces, a rainy day formed by thousands of rainy images) 3) improve color indexing technics More resulution…